Joharah's International Hafla
Fusion Gitana shined on stage at Joharah's International Hafla. Performance took place on Saturday, May 10th at the German American Club....
Yara's performance at Viernes Cultural
Our beautiful Gitana Yara danced her heart out at Viernes Cultural (Cultural Fridays). #bellydance #calle8 #culturalfridays #dance...

Viernes Cultural April 25th 2014
Fusion Gitana took over Calle 8. The Gitanas were a hit! So by popular demand, we will be performing again next month. Come out and...

Photo Shoot by our very own ZiZi Zabaneh
As a professional Dance Photographer, ZiZi enjoys doing photo shoot for her troupe members. Check out this amazing shot. #flamenco...

ZiZi's 1st workshop of 2014.
A special thanks to Shayna Lee of Hipnotic Dance Studio for hosting ZiZi's first workshop of 2014. She taught a Flamenco Arabe fusion...

Mini Vacation
ZiZi and the Gitanas decided to take some time off from dancing and enjoy a theme park in Orlando. After a huge success performing, the...

Orlando, Florida
Fusion Gitana was invited to perform at the Tribal Garden Gala sponsored by Lacey Sanchez. #flamenco #flamecofusion #fusion...

Colors from the South of Spain (Performance)
So we did it! Here is a photo of our first performance of 2014. We performed for the Art Exhibit "Colors from the South of Spain" by...

Fusion Gitana Auditions
On Saturday, January 25th 2014, Fusion Gitana had auditions for dancers wanting to become a part of the official dance troupe. We are...

Fusion Gitana presents Omayra Amaya
Fusion Gitana was proud to present Omayra Amaya for a full day of workshops in Miami. Omayra Amaya's legacy is one of a deep and proud...